Thursday, December 26, 2019
Type I Diabetes Mellitus ( Dmii ) Essay - 1824 Words
Type I diabetes mellitus (DMII) was previous referred to as juvenile diabetes, as it was known to affect mainly children and young adults. Typically individuals diagnosed with this chronic illness find out at an earlier age and treatment as well as plan of care begin and adjust, as they get older. According to the Americans Diabetes Association, only 5% of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus have this form, compared with type II that is usually associated with obesity and older age. With type I diabetes your body or specifically, your pancreas produces very little or no insulin whatsoever, in contrast to type II diabetes when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or may become resistant, which in turn will effect the breakdown of carbohydrates (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Our body uses organic compounds such as protein, lipids and carbohydrates to produce energy; carbs also referred to as sugar or glucose is our main source of energy amongst the three components. â€Å"I nsulin is a hormone that the body needs to get glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of the body†, (American Diabetes Association, 2016). So without insulin, sugar cannot enter our cells for energy and the high levels remain in the blood, known as hyperglycemia. There is no known cause of this chronic illness, but research does believe genetics has some role in the disease process. The immune system of individuals with DMI mistakenly destroys insulin-producing cells, after a certain period of timeShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ( Gdm ) Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Follow-Up of Gestational Mellitus in an Urban Safety Net Hospital†Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a form of high blood sugar that affects pregnant women. It is called GDM in women who have never had high blood glucose readings until pregnancy. This type of diabetes usually develops around the 24th or 25th week of gestation. GDM occurs when the body is not able to make enough insulin or use the insulin that is made for its increased needs during pregnancy. GDM not only causes complicationsRead MoreA Brief Note On Medical And Social History984 Words  | 4 Pagesdecade living with a roommate in a 2nd floor apartment here in San Francisco. She was admitted to SF General Hospital on 02/06/16 with a LLE tibial plateau fracture after falling down a couple of stairs in her home. Her medical history includes Type II Diabetes Metillus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, NSTEMI, anxiety, depression, bilateral LE’s fractures and an ORIF surgery that occurred on 02/06/16. EL has no known allergies and no stated history of drug or alcohol u se. Patient stated that
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The s Revolutionized The County That We Know Today
The 1800’s revolutionized the county that we know today. With states splitting opinions on slaves and being free, the north and south had drastically divided styles of workforces. The demand for more manufactured goods skyrocketed resulting in an explosion of factories and mills. Products of the north and south required supplies and shipping routes, transportation infrastructure was carved through the countryside to meet these demands. The country had entered a new mindset, and a new era. Southern states consisted of mostly plantations, growing crops and materials needed for daily life. Tobacco, cotton, rice and sugar were the major cash crops that plantations produced. In 1815, cotton was the number one, highest grossing crop produced by the south. The crops were grown, harvested and in some cases processed all in the same location. If a plantation needed to ship a product, for many years wagon was the method of choice. Ships were used to export products. The south had relied on a world market to export products and turn a profit. On the plantations, slave labor was the primary source of workers. These slaves were brought to the colonies by ship, once they arrived they were sold at auctions. The slave auctions had just men, just women, just children or whole families up for bid. Southern plantations were predominantly black, male slaves. At one point it was believed to be seven male slaves to every one female. The slaves were purchased and then became the property of theShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1292 Words  | 6 Pagesthe country s history, the American Civil War. During his presidency, he fought for the emancipation of slaves because he believed the institution of slavery was morally unjust. His ideals, which appealed to the founding principles of the country, energized and mobilized the union and kept it alive during the long months of the war. His leadership during those months changed the fairly new nation of America for the better. Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky, toRead MoreA Career in Public Health Essay examples1247 Words  | 5 PagesThere is no doubt, with the advances in technology as a population we are continuing to live longer; yet with the cost of medical care constantly on the rise, is it any wonder an industry would develop out of the concept of â€Å"preventative†maintenance? We are all too aware of this concept. Everyone from large corporations who strive to maintain their expensive equipment in an attempt to secure the bottom line, to the local neighbor who would rather afford the costs of preventative maintenance overRead MoreGoing Team ! : The Debate Over Cheerleading1442 Words  | 6 PagesCheerleading When you hear the word cheerleader, what do you visualize? A ditzy girl on the sideline of a football game shaking pom-poms seems to be the most common image. 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Wrestlers with bizarre costumes,Read MoreEssay on Vaccination and Eradication of Smallpox1604 Words  | 7 PagesEradication of Smallpox Smallpox, a disease caused by the variola virus, has devastated humanity for many centuries. Because of its high mortality rate, civilizations around the world sought to protect themselves from this disease. Throughout the 1700s, these protective methods became more sophisticated, and led up to Edward Jenner’s vaccination method in 1796. Indeed, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and the Agency for International Development began a joint program toRead MoreTribute Speech to Steve Jobs2556 Words  | 11 Pagesis world’s most valuable company, which is valued at $350 Billion Dollars. Without Steve Jobs great mind and hands in the technologic revolution we would have never had the opportunity to see technology the way we do today and how much of an impact he has made for our future to come. 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One proposal gaining a lot of attention is the idea of a universally configurable game machine that downloads the gaming â€Å"software†-- a new slots game, or prettyRead MoreI Am A Believer Of Jesus That Struggles With Addictions2090 Words  | 9 Pagesthat struggles with addictions. My personality today is a reflection of both my parents. See, my parents were very diverse, from the difference in age (14 years) to every aspect of their lives. As I have reflected on it over the years, I am amazed that they were ever together. It is very ironic that I have lived in Rantoul Illinois for the last 25 years, as this is where my parents met. My father was career military and my mother was from Iroquois County. He was stationed here at Chanute AFB when they
Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Strategy - Text and Cases
Questions: 1. Discuss the key facts and critical issues of Zappos. 2. Discuss the key facts and critical issues Home Depot. Answers: 1. Introduction: Zappos is an American manufacturing company specifically from the Bradford Pennsylvania, of United States. Several types of designs are supported by the company and are circulated the world. This is a private company with the brand recognition of Lighter manufacturer (Dzyabura et al., 2015). Discussion: Case summary: The case study on the company named as Zappos includes the future outline sales. The study also includes the facing of competitive challenges by the respective company. In the field of online marketing, the company has a high belief that it would overcome the online service process and attracting the customers on a random basis. This company has drawn the best service provider in the products like shoes, hand bags, watches and other accessories. They also have the belief in the process which would assist them in providing speed in the service to the customer on a continuous basis. The company shows a high probability in focusing the delivery of the products to the customers. This basic factor of the company has put the online marketing sector of the company to a potential position. The main criteria of the company Zappos are to providing comfortable service and easy shopping. They also produce their marketing value to the certain level where they provide an objective for the help and assistance to the customers. Therefore due to this reason this company has moved to an extreme level in the zone of online marketing and online sales management. They also bring out their business at a strategic level where they include free return successfully, such as when the customer has received wrong shoes can be easily returned and revised free of cost. An email system has been developed so that the customers can emphasize their feedbacks and complaints and the booking direct to the customer executives of the company (Raska et al., 2015). Case analysis: The challenges that came in the way of marketing the online company Zappos, where drawing the attention of the customers, establishing a flexible online service to the customers, and also establishing a strategy which would help the company to produce a quality product to the customers (Raska et al., 2015). . The main factors for the human resource management include the management of the entire circulation of the processes and products of the company. The managements also introduce strategies which manipulate the entire circulatory process of the company products and the marketing. By increasing different skills of the company the human resource management has helped Zappos to overcome the challenges and put itself in a potential position in online marketing (Nadeem, 2015). The employees of the company are well trained; this is because the company believes in a well training of the employees. Therefore, the employees have produced high engagement quality to the marketing and production process of the company (Nadeem, 2015). Executive decision: There are several values of the training of the employees which would improvise the development. But the main ten core factors such as, qualitative training to the employees especially in the field of the internet as business processes. The WOW service also influences the core development of the company. The encouragement also plays a role in the field if managing a business out force. Whereas the least engagement includes the wrong shaped management and the cultures, brand and the business strategies. The ten core values are: delivery of WOW value, drive change, create fun, growth, and learning, do more with less, honest relationship, positive team, etc. (Ferrell et al., 2012). 2. Introduction: One of the largest home products of selling the home repair products is the Home Depot. It was founded in 20 years ago, and the total number of employees currently working for this company is 100,000 respectively (Ferrell et al., 2012). Discussion: Case Summary: The case study develops the journey of the company throughout the business process. This United States based company has tired its level best to provide strategies which can provide good service to the customers. The goals of this company include executive positioning in the interval of every 30 minutes to the customers. Among the employee list, about 70 percent are women; this is because several years ago a lawsuit was filed on behalf of 17000 employees because of the gender differences. In addition to the outcome of the act the company promised to each and every applicant would get a "fair shot" (Hannak et al., 2014). Case analysis: Yes, the Home Depot has undergone an accountable discrimination for the females. This was due to the standard of taking the people to the employment by gender discrimination. After the desperate treatment produced by the employees to the company has brought the company into an agreement where the company promised to hire the employees according to their abilities. At present, the female employees are hired for the post of cashiers and indoor tasks, whereas the males are applied for the repairing and the outdoor tasks respectively (Monestier, 2014). Executive decision: This Company has been able to correlate the technology by solving the issues in the job-related works. This allows the employees to check the job opportunities in their respectable workplaces and the required skills, required for each position (Hannak et al., 2014). References: Dzyabura, D., Jagabathula, S., Muller, E. (2015). Using online preference measurement to infer offline purchase behavior. Available at SSRN 2603264. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M. (2012). Marketing strategy, text and cases. Nelson Education. Hannak, A., Soeller, G., Lazer, D., Mislove, A., Wilson, C. (2014, November). Measuring price discrimination and steering on e-commerce web sites. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on internet measurement conference (pp. 305-318). ACM. Monestier, T. J. (2014). Where is Home Depot'At Home'? Daimler v. Bauman and the End of Doing Business Jurisdiction. Hastings Law Journal, 66. Nadeem, D. (2015). Customer Loyalty At Any Cost: Why Is Social Media Poorly Integrated With Marketing Strategy?. Customer Loyalty at Any Cost: Why is Social Media Poorly Integrated with Marketing Strategy. Raska, D., Sprott, D. E., Joireman, J., Spangenberg, E. R. (2015). Consumer Attitudes and Intentions Regarding Environmental Behaviors: Effects of Firm-Stated Motives. In Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, Sustainability (pp. 216-216). Springer International Publishing.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay free essay sample
Using very good examples she shows the readers to not figure out ways to hide from the gunmen or to fight back against the gunmen but to just get rid of the amount of guns given to people not qualified to have them. Sara has a lot Of credibility with this topic. She can relate in many ways. Sara is a sixth grade teacher in New Jersey. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She has written about public education for The New York Times, The New Yorker and Slate, and many more. Sara is a member of the first Teach for Americas corps in 1990. Ms. Moslem is also the author of her new book about a school explosion in 1937 in New London,Tex. , which killed hundreds of children. With that she has a lot of credibility on this topic. She also has a daughter who is 9 years old daughter who attends a public school in New Jersey. She also wants to have her daughter protected from the gunmen. In the body of the article she uses a lot of relatable examples that all of her readers have gone through. When she was explaining the routines with the lock down drills and how all of her students react without knowing if it was a drill or if it was really happening. The kids get frightened and panic sometimes.This sets a scary picture into all the readers minds to make them think about what would help a situation if a gunman came into the school. Moslem uses a great example that really makes the reader think about the negativity of having guns in schools for protection. In the article she really made Lie Geometers idea about having guns in teachers possession sounds silly with the example of seeing guns hanging on the wall just like fire extinguishers. She puts a lot of attention onto if all teachers had guns where would they keep them? She says, would we keep them in a locked up area in he school.How would someone be able to get at that in the heat of a moment when a gunman randomly comes into the school? Would she have to where it around her body? Everyone knows that most children ar e scared of guns. Sara explains that if she was carrying around a gun all day during school wouldnt the children be scared of her? Another great point at Sara brings up in her article is the fact that not very many teachers know how to even operate a gun. A degree about teaching children to read and write should not involve teachers having to be able to shoot a gun. It wouldnt be such help to have them lying around with nobody to use them.Sara is not only is enforcing her argument about not having guns in school but she is also fighting the gun laws. She fights against the fact that everyone tries to think of all these ways to fight against the gunman when we should all be fighting against the main source: the guns. She explains that she is sick and tired of having to teach her children to hide in corners from the gunman. When children shouldnt be learning how to hide from gunmen they should be learning their Abacas and 1235. Overall Sara does a great job of fighting her point in this article.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Effects of Biological Warfare essays
Effects of Biological Warfare essays The Effects of Biological Weapons on the Past and Presents Society Thesis: Biological Warfare is morally and inhumanely wrong, It is the wrongful killing of men, women, and children. It should be stopped no matter what the circumstances are. I. Introduction into the bad effects of biological warfare through some examples. a. Example of single affect of biological warfare b. Example of a country using Biological Warfare II. Definition of Biological Warfare III. Reasons why biological warfare should be stopped. b. Impossible to control or predict its effect. IV. Countries that still produce biological weapons The Effects of Biological Weapons on the Past and Presents Society In 1978, a popular writer and Bulgarian exile by the name of Georgi Markov was going on his way to work in the British Broadcasting Corporation, which is better known as BBC, where he broadcasted to his homeland from a station named Radio Free Europe. While he was walking he felt a sudden sharp pain in his leg. When he turned around he observed a man picking up an umbrella. The man apologized for what he had done and kept on walking. Georgi Markov became sick that night and died a couple of days later. The autopsy that was conducted on the body uncovered a small pellet that had a coat of ricin on it, which is a biological poison (Mayer, p 4). Throughout the early 1900s, Great Britain was developing a biological weapon program. It all started because Great Britain was afraid that Germany and Japan had a great advantage in biological technology in comparison to them. They were testing to see the range of spread of the anthrax spores. Great Britain tested its weapons on the coast of the Island of Gruinard in Scotland were they thought it was far enough from they coast so it would not contaminate or hurt the mainland. In the year of 1943 throughout many experiments that were conducted it was proven that sheep and cattle were affected with an...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act in South Africa
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act in South Africa The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (no. 55 of 1949) was one of the first pieces of apartheid legislation enacted after the National Party came to power in South Africa in 1948. The Act banned marriages between â€Å"Europeans and non-Europeans,†which, in the language of the time, meant that white people could not marry people of other races. It also made it a criminal offense for a marriage officer to perform an interracial marriage ceremony. Justification and Aims of the Laws The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act did not, however, prevent other so-called mixed marriages between non-white people. Unlike some other key pieces of apartheid legislation, this act was designed to protect the â€Å"purity†of the white race rather than the separation of all races. Mixed marriages were rare in South Africa before 1949, averaging fewer than 100 per year between 1943 and 1946, but the National Party explicitly legislated to keep non-whites from infiltrating the dominant white group by intermarriage. Both the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and the Immorality Act of 1957 were based on then-active United States segregation laws. It was not until 1967 that the first U.S. Supreme Court case rejecting miscegenation laws (Loving v. Virginia) was decided. Apartheid Marriage Law Opposition While most white South Africans agreed that mixed marriages were undesirable during apartheid, there was opposition to making such marriages illegal. In fact, a similar act had been defeated in the 1930s when the United Party was in power. It was not that the United Party supported interracial marriages. Most were vehemently opposed to any interracial relations. Led by Prime Minister Jan Christiaan Smuts (1919–1924 and 1939–1948), the United Party thought that the strength of public opinion against such marriages was sufficient for preventing them. They also said there was no need to legislate interracial marriages since so few happened anyway, and as South African sociologist and historian Johnathan Hyslop has reported, some even stated that making such a law insulted white women by suggesting they would marry black men. Religious Opposition to the Act The strongest opposition to the act, however, came from the churches. Marriage, many clerics argued, was a matter for God and churches, not the state. One of the key concerns was that the Act declared that any mixed marriages â€Å"solemnized†after the Act was passed would be nullified. But how could that work in churches that did not accept divorce? A couple could be divorced in the eyes of the state and married in the eyes of the church. These arguments were not enough to stop the bill from passing, but a clause was added declaring that if a marriage was entered into in good faith but later determined to be â€Å"mixed†then any children born to that marriage would be considered legitimate even though the marriage itself would be annulled. Why Didn’t the Act Prohibit All Interracial Marriages? The primary fear driving the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act was that poor, working-class white women were marrying people of color. In actual fact, very few were. In the years before the act, only roughly 0.2–0.3% of marriages by Europeans were to people of color, and that number was declining. In 1925 it had been 0.8%, but by 1930 it was 0.4%, and by 1946 it was 0.2%. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act was designed to protect white political and social dominance by preventing a handful of people from blurring the line between white society and everyone else in South Africa. It also showed that the National Party was going to fulfill its promises to protect the white race, unlike its political rival, the United Party, which many thought had been too lax on that issue. Anything taboo, however, can become attractive, just by virtue of being forbidden. While the Act was rigidly enforced, and the police endeavored to root out all illicit interracial relations, there were always a few people who thought that crossing that line was well worth the risk of detection. Repeal By 1977, opposition to these laws was growing in the still white-led South African government, dividing members of the liberal party during the government of Prime Minister John Vorster (Prime Minister from 1966–1978, president from 1978–1979). A total of 260 people were convicted under the law in 1976 alone. Cabinet members were divided; liberal members backed laws offering power-sharing arrangements to nonwhites while others, including Vorster himself, decidedly did not. Apartheid was in its painfully slow decline. The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, along with the related Immorality Acts which prohibited extra-marital interracial sexual relations, was repealed on June 19, 1985. The set of apartheid laws were not abolished in South Africa until the early 1990s; a democratically elected government was finally established in 1994. Sources Curbs on Interracial Sex and Marriage Divide South African Leaders. The New York Times, July 8, 1977. Dugard, John. Human Rights and the South African Legal Order. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978.Furlong, Patrick Joseph. The Mixed Marriages Act: a historical and theological study. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, 1983.Higgenbotham, A. Leon Jr., and Barbara K. Kopytof. Racial purity and interracial sex in the law of colonial and antebellum Virginia. Georgetown Law Review 77(6):1967-2029. (1988–1989). Hyslop, Jonathan, â€Å"White Working-Class Women and the Invention of Apartheid: Purified Afrikaner Nationalist Agitation for Legislation against Mixed Marriages, 1934-9†Journal of African History 36.1 (1995) 57–81.Jacobson, Cardell K., Acheampong Yaw Amoateng, and Tim B. Heaton. Inter-Racial Marriages in South Africa. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 35.3 (2004): 443-58.Sofer, Cyril. â€Å"Some Aspects of Inter-racial Marriage s in South Africa, 1925–46,† Africa, 19.3 (July 1949): 193. Wallace Hoad, Neville, Karen Martin, and Graeme Reid (eds.). Sex and Politics in South Africa: The Equality Clause / Gay Lesbian Movement / the Anti-Apartheid Struggle. Juta and Company Ltd, 2005.Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, 1949. (1949). Wikisource.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
English paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
English paper - Essay Example As such, technical elements of representation, unique and groundbreaking philosophical approaches, historical relevance, and many other aspects of Jansco’s approach will be leveraged. it is therefore the hope of this particular author that such a level of analysis will be able to engage the reader with a more full and complete understanding of the manner through which this particular filmmaker provided cinemagoers with a unique view of the world and an interpretive approach that has continued to impress film critics and common viewers alike for decades after its initial release in his native Hungary. Firstly, before delving into any of the mechanics or actual philosophical approaches that Miklos Jansco makes within the film, it would be an astounding oversight to assume that the unit of focus for the film, namely the apparatchiks of the Habsburg Empire and the imprisoned revolutionaries, were not somehow a type of comparison and contrast between the communist government of Hungary and the depression that was always a very real and present aspect of life at the time in which the film itself was made. Although it cannot be definitively stated that the premise and motivation that is reflected throughout the film is somehow allegorical of Hungary’s sociopolitical status and form of government, stark and pervasive levels of contrast exists throughout the film that impress upon the viewer the means of similarity and power of contrast in comparison that exists between the two. Furthermore, due to the fact that the communist government Hungary, and the way, and indeed are after w as repressed does not allow for open dissension, utilizing a somewhat allegorical tale of repression under a â€Å"capitalist regime†was an effective guise of quiet yet inviting criticism that could not have been represented in a more open manner. Another obvious undertone that is represented
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Relocating Work without Bargaining Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Relocating Work without Bargaining - Assignment Example The movement and relocation of the employee is a ploy to weaken the bargaining power of the members who will be working collectively and it is not by means of getting a tax break. The coincidence between laying off and relocating the employees and the successful election of the members of union cast doubts on the claim that they after tax break. Therefore, this is a blindfold to drive their own selfish interest in their own favour. The threat of that presents itself with the position of the Union unity need strategies that will weaken them. This is the score that the employer wants to achieve by moving to Kentucky and laying off some of the employees. 2. The company’s defence that Schulz made the decision to move the company before the organizing campaign got started, was supported only by his own testimony believe Schulz would it change your opinion of defence? Why or why not? 2. The knowledge that Schulz gave the testimony on a support of relocating company. The defence will not change since the main talking point of the argument the timing of the relocating company to Kentucky. The decision was reached at precisely two months after the establishment of the Union body. The motive was a long-range oversight that was aimed to weaken the team of the union. For this reason, the defence cannot change because the reason and rationale for moving were with an affront to section 8(a) which transcends strengths of the testimonials. The plans of relocating to Kentucky is not only an affront to the rights of the rights of the employees but it is also done with malice as forethought. Wherefore, it can be argued that the decision and defence will maintain its stands even with the revelation of testimonial that was done at that time shortly after forming the union. 3. Kentucky, like Michigan, is not a right-to-work state, so union organizing in a plant in Kentucky is as likely as in Michigan. The company’s decision to move from Michigan seems to have been both complicated and expensive.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Weekly Commentary on the Trading in Kuwaiti Stock Exchange Essay Example for Free
Weekly Commentary on the Trading in Kuwaiti Stock Exchange Essay Commentary on Trading for the Week ending – 27.09.2007 In general the Kuwaiti market showed a marginal declining trend at the end of the week, though the first trading day of the week started with new high levels of the share price index. Although no major events affected the share price movements, the Real Estate sector was the largest loser with a reduction in the index up to 3.63 percent. The reduction was caused by the drop in the share price of Jeezan Holding Company losing 28. 09 percent – a major drop. There was a drop in the price of two other real estate companies – International Investment Projects losing 22.06 percent and International Resorts Company shares dropping by 12.00 percent. Industrial sector with 3.82 percent, Insurance sector with 1.24 percent, and Services sector with 0.33 percent were the three sectors which showed an increase. The share price of Gulf Petroleum Investment rose by 10.11 percent and closed at KD 0.490. Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 04.10.2007 The Stock market witnessed an active trading during the trading sessions of the whole week, with the market index reaching a new high level of 399.28 points on 03.10. 2007. Share prices in all the sectors showed an increasing trend. While the insurance sector recorded the highest increase of 2.73 percent in the index, Banking sector followed with 1.46 percent increase. The real estate index went up by 0.91 percent during the week. This week recorded the highest increase in the total index with the largest gain for October with 1.87 percent increase. Shares of International Investment Project, was the highest traded during this week with 163.21 million shares changing hands which is equivalent to 9.28 percent of the total traded volume. The price of the share went up by 5.66 percent and closed ad KD 0.280 On the macroeconomic side, the Kuwaiti Dinar was allowed to depreciate against US Dollar with the biggest one day fall of the year. Another important event is the signing of a protocol stipulating the amendments to the accord for evading double taxation and tax payment evasion between Kuwait and South Korea. Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 11.10.2007 The market mood was upswing and reached new levels during this week, though there was a drop in the volume of sales as the investors were waiting for the companies to announce their third quarter results. The volume of shares traded showed a decline of 12.87 percent. The sector-wise performance showed a mixed trend. Industrial sector recorded an increase of 2.39 percent, followed by Non-Kuwaiti index increasing by 2.03 percent. Banking sector added 1.95 percent and the Insurance sector performed very poorly with a decline in the index of 1.35 percent. Services sector also lost 0.82 percent. The news on the macroeconomic side was that the inflation rates as of July was announced which stood at 5 percent – an all time high in 12 years period with increase in the housing and transport costs. Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 18.10.2007 The Kuwaiti stock market after two weeks of upswing showed a marginal decline this week. The Eid holidays affected trading sessions for three days and this has affected the volume traded. Another reason for the decline in the volume of trading by 22.38 percent is that the companies are still to announce the results of third quarter and the investors were cautious. In the performance of the sectors, Industrial sector lost 1.14 percent with the investment sector standing as second loser with a loss of 0.38 percent. The other sectors showed positive performance with Insurance sector adding 1.07 percent and Food sector index rose by 0.82 percent. SHUAA Capital was the top gainer for the week with an increase in the share price of 17.95 percent and the scrip closed at KD 0.460. On the other hand Gulf Horizon Holding Company was the biggest loser with a 13.40 percent loss in the share value. Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 25.10.2007    The stock market recorded a lower note during the week, despite of the fact that the volume of the shares traded went up by 71.43 percent and the value increased by 93.52 percent. With 570.15 million shares changing hands services sector accounted for 27.96 percent of the total volume traded. However on the value of shares traded, investment sector accounted for 25.03 percent with service sector closely following at 24.42 percent. On the sector-wise performance there was decline in the index of five sectors and Industrial sector showed the highest gain with 2.37 percent. The scrip of National Industries Group in the industries sector rose by 5.49 percent at KD 1.920. The insurance sector showed a huge decline with the index losing 1.60 percent. The share price of Gulf Insurance Company went down by 3.57 percent and the price of Kuwait Recommendation-insurance company shares was reduced by 3.64 percent. The price of Gulf Petroleum Investment, one of the companies taken by the project for logging the share price movements increased by 17.78 and closed at KD 0.530. On the macroeconomic side, â€Å"Standard Poors Ratings Services raised its Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment (BICRA) on the State of Kuwait (AA-/Stable/A-1+) to Group 4 from Group 5. This action primarily reflects the improvement in economic risk, factoring in the improved governments financial strength over the past few years, amid a very supportive economic environment, and its beneficial impact on the creditworthiness of Kuwaiti banks. The improvement in banking industry country risk is a positive element that underpins all credit ratings on banks in Kuwait†(Global Weekly Market Report – Kuwait).  Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 01.11.2007  The market continued to react in a bearish trend with a significant retreat showing the symptoms of correction since February 2007. The trading in the market showed a declining trend with the investors reacting cautiously sensing a correction in the market. This had resulted in a reduction in the volume of shares traded by 7.84 percent and the value by 6.51 percent. The investment sector accounted for 34.33 percent of the volume. The analysis of sector wise performance showed the insurance sector as the only sector with a gain of 0.19 percent, while all the other sectors’ performance showed a negative trend. The services sector is the largest loser with 5.46 percent drop in the index as compared to last week. Industrial index showed a drop of 2.08 percent. Commentary on Trading for the Week ending 08.11.2007 The downward trend in the stock trading continued during this week also with the index reaching the lowest level since July 23 2007. The volume of shares traded went down by 33.99 percent and the value also dropped by 33.99 percent due to the cautious approach of the investors. All the sectors showed negative trend in the index while Non-Kuwaiti index managed to increase marginally by 0.26 percent. Service sector is the biggest loser with a decline of 4.81 percent. While the Industrial index shed 3.94 percent, the index of real estate sector went down by 3.31 percent. The Central Bank of Kuwait announced that the money supply in Kuwait grew by 19 percent in September 2007 which is one of the factors for causing inflation in the country. Performance of Companies in Different Sectors of Kuwait – Case Study Introduction As a part of the finance project, this paper presents an analytical report on the performance of the following companies functioning in different sectors of Kuwaiti economy: Kuwait Finance House One of the largest Islamic Banks in the World, headquartered in Kuwait Activity: Banking services according to Islamic economic principles, including retail banking, consumer financing, leasing and mortgages, project finance, and corporate finance; real estate, contracting and trading Sector: Banking – Financial Services – Commercial Banking Year of Establishment 1977 Publicly Listed Joint Stock Company Total Revenue KD 578,987,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Net Profit        KD 162,004,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Number of Employees: 1809 Boubyan Petrochem Activity: Investment in industrial and petrochemical projects Sector: Industrial Year of Establishment 1995 Publicly Listed Joint Stock Company Total Revenue: KD 9,714,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Net Profit         KD 8,280,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Number of Employees: 180 Gulf Petroleum Investment Activity: Offshore and onshore oil field services including drilling, supply of parts, equipment, engineering, and consulting for upstream and downstream related projects Sector: Services Year of Establishment: 1998 Publicly Listed Joint Stock Company Total Revenue KD 8,287,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Net Profit        KD 7.016,000 (As on 31st December 2006) Number of Employees: 259 Performance of Shares of the Companies The financial performance with respect to the shares of the company can be summarized based on the following table: Particulars Kuwait Finance House Boubyan Petrochem Gulf Petroleum Earnings Per Share                 Fils 135.96 137.28  30.72 Price Earnings                   Times  21.48    8.01  16.27 Book Value                           Fils 612.12 499.93 165.23 Price to Book Value          Times    4.77    2.20    3.03 Net Profit June 2007            KD 116,610,000 15,856,000 2,249,000 Dividend Yield                      % 1.95  4.55 1.60 Calculation of Portfolio Beta The market volatility of the share values is denoted by Beta. Beta is the best measure of a security in a large portfolio. Normally shares with a beta value of around 1are considered to be shares with average volatility. Price of shares with higher beta values will fluctuate more and hence the investors have to consider the beta value of the particular shares before they invest. The beta values of the companies under study are tabulated below: Company Beta Value Market Beta Relationship Kuwait Finance House 1.00 1 Equal to Market – No abnormal risk is associated with this stock Boubyan Petrochem 0.70 1 Almost near the market beta – Less Volatile than market – No huge risks involved in investing in this stock Gulf Petroleum 0.659 1 The beta value is less than one the stock is not highly volatile – No abnormal risk is associated with this stock Company-wise Analysis of Financial Performance The following section of the paper provides a report on the financial performance of the individual companies: Kuwait Finance House Executive Summary The Company established with strong Islamic values offers unique and competitive financial products and services to the depositors and shareholders. As at the end of the year 2006 with a market share of one third of consumer finance market in Kuwait the company has reported an increase 17 percent in the depositors’ account and an equal amount of growth in shareholders’ funds. The company’s capital has grown by 12 percent during the year with an increase in the reserves of 32.3 percent. The Company has embarked upon new products using innovative technological developments. The financial performance of the company is presented below:   Profitability For the year 2006, the company has realized a total income of KD 579 million which accounts for an increase of 48.4 percent over 2005 and a net profit before distribution of KD 344 million which is an increase of 40 percent over the figures for the previous year. The factors that contributed to a better financial performance by the company are: A buoyant Kuwaiti economy with an optimistic business environment that had a positive impact on the consumer and corporate sectors has helped the bank to a large extent in furthering its economic achievements. The positive development of oil prices in the global economy has also contributed for the profitability of the company. Innovative products from the company like operating lease of motor cars and other commercial vehicles have proved helpful to the company for the improvement in the financial performance. Improvement in the corporate and consumer customer base is a major factor for the outstanding financial performance of the company. Dividends and Dividend Policy The company being an Islamic banking institution follows a policy of paying dividends to the investor depositors. The company has improved the dividend payment from the last year rates. The table below shows the movement in the dividend payouts by the company. Type of Account 2006 2005 2004 Unconditional Deposit Account 8.458% 6.807% 4.800% Al-Sedra Investment Deposit 6.578% 5.294% 3.733% Investment Savings Account 5.639% 4.538% 3.200% A comparison of the dividend payouts show that the company has been progressive in paying dividends to the investor-depositors. Stock Performance The price of the shares of the company in the last trading stood at KD 2.18 with a year to date reduction of 11.048 percent. The 52 week high of the share price was KD 2.62 and the 52 week low was at KD 1.71.The company’s market cap is KD. 2,671,031,702 and is ranked 3rd in Kuwait based on the value of market cap. Source:  Analysis of Working Capital As of the end of the year 2006 the company had total assets of KD 6,313 million and a total liability of KD 5,099 million. Out of the total assets current assets amount to KD 4,059 million and current liabilities KD 1,080 million. The amount due on depositors is KD 3,729 million. The company has leased assets, investments and trading assets to the extent of KD 2,254 million. On the analysis of the assets and liabilities it can be observed that the bank has employed the depositors’ funds in short term international investments and other lending portfolios. Boubyan Petrochem Executive Summary The company was just a holding company from the incorporation in the year 1995 till the year 2000 for its investments in Equate Petrochemical Co. Now the company is manufacturing all kinds of petrochemical products and any derivatives of petrochemicals. The company is engaged in the sale, supply, distribution, and export of all of its production. The company also participates in all other related activities including construction and leasing of the required facilities and services. Profitability The profitability and turnover of the company is provided in the following table: Particulars 2004 (KD ‘000) 2005 (KD ‘000) 2006 (KD ‘000) Net Sales 1,118 1,573 9,714 Earnings Before Interest Depreciation and Tax 15,983 29,052 1,710 Earnings Before and Tax 12,447 36,081 8,280 Net Profit 12,447 38,967 8,280 Net Profit Margin 1113.33% 2477.24% 85.24% Source: The company has been progressing well during the year 2005. However the performance of the company is showing a distorted picture due to some regrouping of the revenues. Stock Performance The share price of the company at last traded position was KD 0.750 with a year to date reduction of -3.523 percent. The 52 week high is KD 1.050 and the 52 week low is at KD 0.65. The company has a market capital of KD 315,000,000 which is ranked at 24 based on market cap position. Source:  Analysis of Working Capital In the absence of detailed published annual report the available information on the assets position of the company is appended below: Particulars 2004 (KD ‘000) 2005 (KD ‘000) 2006 (KD ‘000) Fixed Assets 5,405 5,212 6.202 Current Liabilities 1,856 4,294 5.538 Long Term Debt 11,676 8.946 52,285 Shareholders’ Equity 104,790 182,046 190,924 Current Ratio 60.84 44.27 43.98 Debt/Capital 0.10 0.05 0.21 Source: From the analysis of the available information there is an increase in the long term liabilities during the year 2006. There appears to be an increase in the current liabilities which has affected the current ratio in the year 2006. Gulf Petroleum Investment Executive Summary Gulf Petroleum Investment Company was established in the year 1988. The company was formed as a Kuwaiti shareholding company. The company’s main focus is on providing services in oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors. The major activities of the company include oil field services, drilling offshore and onshore, and supply of parts and equipments. The company also undertakes consultation services for upstream and downstream related products. The principal shareholders of the company include International Investment Group Kuwait, Grand Real Estate, Kuwait and Investors Bank, Bahrain. The company currently operates in Kuwait, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and plans to expand in Syria. An analysis of the financial performance of the company is produced below: Profitability On the basis of available financial information about the company, the company has made total revenue of KD 8,287,000 during the year 2006 (KD 7764,000 – for 2005). The net profit reported for the year 2006 is KD 7,016,000 (KD 2,937,000 – for 2005) The company’s assets have enhanced in value to KD 52,352,000 in the year 2006 as compared KD 20,350,000 in 2005. There has been a corresponding increase in the shareholders’ equity to KD 23,241,000 for the year 2006 against KD 16,445 for the year 2005. The company has reported a net profit of KD 3.6 million for the first nine months of the year 2007.The earnings per share rose from 5.3 fills a year ago to 24.9 fils in 2007. The factors that contributed for the higher net earnings of the company were: The general buoyancy in the Kuwaiti economy coupled with the increase in oil prices mainly contributed to higher earnings of the company. Since the company’s major shareholders have a good business connection not only in Kuwait but in the whole of Gulf the company was able to attract new contracts The technical excellence of the company in varying fields related to petroleum industry has helped the company to realize more business (GUPICO) Stock Performance The share of the company closed at KD 0.690 with a year to date variation of -28.962 percent. The 52 week high sale price was KD 0.800 and the 52 week low was KD 0.240, The Company has a market cap of KD 69,000,000 which is ranked at 83 on the basis of the market capital. The movements in the share price during the last 12 months are depicted in the following graph. Source:  Dividends and Dividend Policy  In the absence of a published annual report and detailed information on the financial position of the company it was not possible to make a comprehensive report on the dividend policy of the company.  References  GUPICO Kuwait Finance House Annual Report 2005 Kuwait Finance House Annual Report 2006 ‘Kuwait Finance House’
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers
An Analysis of Much Ado About Nothing Written between 1598 and 1600 at the peak of Shakespeare's skill in writing comedic work, Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare's wittiest works. In this comedy, Shakespeare's drama satirizes love and human courtliness between two couples who take very different paths to reach the same goal: making the connection between inward and outward beauty. Much Ado About Nothing shows different ways of how people are attracted to one another, and how their realization and definitions of "love" relate to their perceptions of inward and outward beauty. The play is set in Messina, Italy, a small province facing the Straits of Messina, in northeastern Sicily, at the estate of the governor of Messina, Leonato. Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon, Don John, his brother, Borachio his servant, Bene*censored*, a young lord, and Claudio his best friend are all returning from war, and have been invited to stay with Leonato for a month. Shakespeare's antago nist Don John, bears much resemblance to Don John of Austria, the illegitimate son of Charles V, half-brother to the King of Aragon who defeated the Turks at Lepanto and returned to Messina after his victory in October of 1571 (Richmond 51). Don John of Austria had many of the qualities that Shakespeare's Don John did, he was not on good terms with his brother, and although he tried with much effort to gain status, he was frequently humiliated in attempts to bring himself fame. Shakespeare was known to draw parallels between his characters and actual historical figures, in an attempt to produce a sort abstract history of the times (Richmond 49). Upon returning from war, Claudio saw a young woman named Hero that he had seen before going to fight, and felt a strong attraction to her. Claudio expressed to Bene*censored* his attraction to Hero, Leonato's daughter, and Bene*censored*, with a mouth as loose as oiled hinge immediately told Don Pedro of the attraction. Don Pedro, being much closer to Leonato than any of the other veterans were, told the governor Leonato about Claudio, who in turn informed his daughter Hero of him, all with the lightning speed of gossip. Claudio's attraction to Hero is described by Shakespeare with skill as he puts emphasis on the Claudio-Hero relationship that is forming but at the same time keeps it in the background. Claudio is clearly attracted to Hero's outer beauty and knows nothing of her inner beauty, but after conversing with his friend Bene*censored* and then Don Pedro he decides he will marry Hero.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Quantitative Analysis Assignment Essay
Problem 1-14 Gina Fox has started her own company, Foxy Shirts, which manufactures imprinted shirts for special occasions. Since she has just begun this operation, she rents the equipment from a local printing shop when necessary. The cost of using the equipment is $350. The materials used in one shirt cost $8, and Gina can sell these for $15 each. †¨(a) If Gina sells 20 shirts, what will her total revenue be? What will her total variable cost be? (F) Fixed Cost= $350.00 (V) Variable Cost= $8.00 (S) Selling Price= $15.00 (X) Number of Units Sold= 20 Revenues = (S)(X) = (15)(20) = $300.00 Total Variable Cost = (V)(X) = (8)(20) = $160.00 If Gina sells 20 shirts her total revenue will be $300.00 and her total variable cost will be $160.00. (b) How many shirts must Gina sell to break even? †¨What is the total revenue for this? (F) Fixed Cost= $350.00 (V) Variable Cost= $8.00 (S) Selling Price= $15.00 (X) Number of Units Sold= ? BEP=> 0=sX-f-vX X= X= X= 50 Total Revenue = (S)(X) = (15)(20) = $750.00 Gina must sell 50 shirts to break even and she would have total revenue of $750.00. Problem 1-17 Katherine D’ Ann is planning to finance her college education by selling programs at the football games for State University. There is a fixed cost of $400 for printing these programs, and the variable cost is $3. There is also a $1,000 fee that is paid to the university for the right to sell these programs. If Katherine was able to sell programs for $5 each, how many would she have to sell in order to break even? (F) Fixed Cost= $1,400.00 (V) Variable Cost= $3.00 (S) Selling Price= $5.00 (X) Number of Units Sold= ? BEP=> X= X= X= 700 In order to break even selling each program for $5, Katherine would have to sell 700 programs. Problem 1-20 Mysti Farris (see Problem 1-19) is considering raising the selling price of each cue to $50 instead of $40. If this is done while the costs remain the same, what would the new break-even point be? What would the total revenue be at this break-even point? BEP=> 0=sX-f-vX X= X= X= 96 Total Revenue = (S)(X) = (50)(96) = $4,800.00 By raising the selling price of the cue from $40 to $50 the break-even point would be 96 and the total revenue at this break-even point would be $4,800.00. Problem 1-22 Golden Age Retirement Planners specializes in pro- viding financial advice for people planning for a comfortable retirement. The company offers seminars on the important topic of retirement planning. For a typical seminar, the room rental at a hotel is $1,000, and the cost of advertising and other incidentals is about $10,000 per seminar. The cost of the materials and special gifts for each attendee is $60 per person attending the seminar. The company charges $250 per person to attend the seminar as this seems to be competitive with other companies in the same business. How many people must attend each seminar for Golden Age to break even? (F) Fixed Cost= $11,00.00 (V) Variable Cost= $60.00 (S) Selling Price= $250.00 (X) Number of Units Sold= ? BEP=> 0=sX-f-vX X= X= X= 57.89 To reach break-even the Golden Age seminar must have an attendance of 58 people. Problem 1-23 A couple of entrepreneurial business students at State University decided to put their education into practice by developing a tutoring company for business students. While private tutoring was offered, it was determined that group tutoring before tests in the large statistics classes would be most beneficial. The students rented a room close to campus for $300 for 3 hours. They developed handouts based on past tests, and these handouts (including color graphs) cost $5 each. The tutor was paid $25 per hour, for a total of $75 for each tutoring session. (a) If students are charged $20 to attend the session, how many students must enroll for the company to break even? (F) Fixed Cost= $375.00 (V) Variable Cost= $5.00 (S) Selling Price= $20 (X) Number of Units Sold= ? BEP=> 0=sX-f-vX X= X= X= 25 If students are charged $20 for attending the session, 25 students must enroll for the company to break-even. (b) A somewhat smaller room is available for $200 for 3 hours. The company is considering this possibility. How would this affect the break-even point? (F) Fixed Cost= $275.00 (V) Variable Cost= $5.00 (S) Selling Price= $20.00 (X) Number of Units Sold= ? BEP=> 0=sX-f-vX X= X= X= 18.33 If a smaller room that charges 200 for 3 hours and students are charged $20 for attending the session, 18 students must enroll for the company to break-even.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
TED Tallk
In my opinion, all of the videos that I watched was very informative and helpful for a person like me who is still not fully confident when speaking in public, engaging in arguments and when presenting a thesis or a report. Honestly, It's hard to maintain confidence but hearing those strategies on how to face and communicate with people helps me to challenge myself more because I believe that if it doesn't challenge me, it won't change me. In other words, if it doesn't challenge me, it won't improve me. The TEDtallk videos are very inspiring, most of them helped me realize that every one of us is a teacher. Whoever we meet/met has something to do in our lives that can teach and put a big impact on us, especially with those people who are more experienced, with those people who started as an ordinary people to embracing their uniqueness as an individual. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that people who gives advices are the people who fall all over again, life knocked them down so many times but they decided to get up and believes that they must scare their own fears. Why? Because we are bigger than our fears. Look at them, standing in stage, speaking in front of thousands of people because they carry so much lessons that life taught them. This is not from TEDtalk videos but he is one of the best examples on how to embrace our own identity and individuality, his name is Norman King an aeta who graduated from University of the Philippines Manila. I carry some of his words of wisdom in my daily life because I find it powerful and it enlightens me every day, that when you connect to his words you will feel and find the soul of dedicated and a hard-working man who have nothing to lose and who keeps fighting for their rights even though some of aetas have disregarded their culture.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Helen Pitts Douglass, Wife of Frederick Douglass
Helen Pitts Douglass, Wife of Frederick Douglass Born Helen Pitts (1838 - 1903), Helen Pitts Douglass was a suffragist and abolitionist in the 19th century. She is best known for marrying politician and abolitionist reformer Frederick Douglass, an interracial marriage considered surprising and scandalous at the time. Fast Facts: Helen Pitts Douglass Full Name: Helen Pitts DouglassOccupation: Suffragist, reformer, and abolitionistBorn: 1838 in Honeoye, New YorkDied: 1903 in Washington, D.C.Known For: A white woman who married the mixed-race abolition leader Frederick Douglass, Helen Pitts Douglass was an advocate in her own right and pushed for abolition, suffrage, and her husbands legacy.Spouse: Frederick Douglass (m. 1884-1895) Early Life and Work Helen Pitts was born and raised in the small town of Honeoye, New York. Her parents, Gideon and Jane Pitts, had abolitionist views and participated in anti-slavery work. She was the oldest of five children, and her ancestors included Priscilla Alden and John Alden, who had come to New England on the Mayflower. She was also a distant cousin of President John Adams and of President John Quincy Adams. Helen Pitts attended a female seminary Methodist seminary in nearby Lima, New York. She then attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, founded by Mary Lyon in 1837, and graduated in 1859. A teacher, she taught at the Hampton Institute in Virginia, a school founded after the Civil War for the education of freedmen. In poor health, and after a conflict in which she accused some local residents of harassing students, she moved back to the family home at Honeoye. In 1880, Helen Pitts moved to Washington, DC, to live with her uncle. She worked with Caroline Winslow on The Alpha, a women’s rights publication, and began to be more outspoke in the suffrage movement. Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass, the well-known abolitionist and civil rights leader and ex-slave, had attended and spoke at the 1848 Seneca Falls Woman’s Rights Convention. He was an acquaintance of Helen Pitts’ father, whose home had been part of the pre-Civil War Underground Railroad. In 1872 Douglass had been nominated – without his knowledge or consent – as the vice presidential candidate of the Equal Rights Party, with Victoria Woodhull nominated for president. Less than a month later, his home in Rochester burned down, possibly the result of arson. Douglass moved his family, including his wife, Anna Murray Washington, from Rochester, NY, to Washington, DC. In 1881, President James A. Garfield appointed Douglass as Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia. Helen Pitts, living next door to Douglass, was hired by Douglass as a clerk in that office. He was often traveling and was also working on his autobiography; Helen Pitts helped him in that work. In August, 1882, Anne Murray Douglass died. She had been ill for some time. Douglass fell into a deep depression. He began to work with Ida B. Wells on anti-lynching activism. Married Life On January 24, 1884, Frederick Douglass and Helen Pitts were married in a small ceremony officiated by the Rev. Francis J. Grimkà ©, at his home. Grimkà ©, a leading black minister of Washington, had also been born into slavery, also with a white father and a black slave mother. His father’s sisters, the famous women’s rights and abolitionist reformers Sarah Grimkà © and Angelina Grimkà ©, had taken in Francis and his brother Archibald when they discovered the existence of these mixed-race nephews, and had seen to their education. The marriage seems to have taken their friends and families by surprise. The notice in the New York Times (January 25, 1884) highlighted what were likely to be seen as the scandalous details of the marriage: â€Å"Washington, January 24. Frederick Douglass, the colored leader, was married in this city this evening to Miss Helen M. Pitts, a white woman, formerly of Avon, N.Y. The wedding, which took place at the house of Dr. Grimkà ©, of the Presbyterian church, was private, only two witnesses being present. The first wife of Mr. Douglass, who was a colored woman, died about a year ago. The woman he married to-day is about 35 years of age, and was employed as a copyist in his office. Mr. Douglass himself is about 73 years of age and has daughters as old as his present wife.†Helen’s parents opposed the marriage because of Douglasss mixed-race heritage (he was born to a black mother but a white father), and stopped speaking to her. Frederick’s children were also opposed, believing it dishonored his marriage to their mother. (Douglass had five children with his first wife; one, Annie, died at age 10 in 1860.) Others, both white and black, expressed opposition and even outrage at the marriage. However, they had support from some corners. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, longtime friend of Douglass though at a key point a political opponent over the priority of women’s rights and black men’s rights, was among the defenders of the marriage. Douglass responded with some humor, and was quoted as saying â€Å"This proves I am impartial. My first wife was the color of my mother and the second, the color of my father.† He also wrote, â€Å"People who had remained silent over the unlawful relations of white slave masters with their colored slave women loudly condemned me for marrying a wife a few shades lighter than myself. They would have had no objection to my marrying a person much darker in complexion than myself, but to marry one much lighter, and of the complexion of my father rather than of that of my mother, was, in the popular eye, a shocking offense, and one for which I was to be ostracized by white and black alike.†Helen was not the first relationship Douglass had had aside from his first wife. Beginning in 1857, Douglass had carried out an intimate relationship with Ottilie Assing, a writer who was a German Jewish immigrant. Assing apparently thought he would marry her, especially after the Civil War, and believed that his marriage to Anna was no longer meaningful to him. She left for Europe in 1876, and was disappointed that he never joined her there. The August after he married Helen Pitts, she, apparently suffering from breast cancer, committed suicide in Paris, leaving money in her will to be delivered to him twice a year as long as he lived. Frederick Douglass’ Later Work and Travels From 1886 to 1887, Helen and Frederick Douglass traveled together to Europe and Egypt. They returned to Washington, then from 1889 to 1891, Frederick Douglass served as the US minister to Haiti, and Helen lived with him there. He resigned in 1891, and in 1892 to 1894, he traveled extensively, speaking against lynching. In 1892, he began to work on establishing housing in Baltimore for black renters. The following year, Douglass was the only African American official (as a commissioner for Haiti) at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Radical to the end, he was asked in 1895 by a young man of color for advice, and he offered this: â€Å"Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!†Douglass returned to Washington from a lecture tour in February 1895 despite declining health. He attended a meeting of the National Council of Women on February 20, and spoke to a standing ovation. On returning home, he had a stroke and heart attack, and died that day. Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote the eulogy which Susan B. Anthony delivered. He was buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York. Working to Memorialize Frederick Douglass After Douglass died, his will leaving Cedar Hill to Helen was ruled invalid, because it lacked enough witness signatures. Douglass’ children wished to sell the estate, but Helen wanted it as a memorial to Frederick Douglass. She worked to raise funds to establish it as a memorial, with the help of African American women including Hallie Quinn Brown. Helen Pitts Douglass lectured her husbands history to bring in funds and raise public interest. She was able to buy the house and adjoining acres, though it was heavily mortgaged. She also worked to have a bill passed that would incorporate the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association. The bill, as originally written, would have had Douglass’ remains moved from Mount Hope Cemetery to Cedar Hill. Douglass’ youngest son, Charles R. Douglass, protested, citing his fathers wish to be buried at Mount Hope - and insulting Helen as a mere companion for Douglasss later years as well. Despite this objection, Helen was able to get the bill passed through Congress to establish the memorial association. As a sign of respect, however, Frederick Douglass’ remains were not moved to Cedar Hill; Helen instead was buried at Mount Hope as well in 1903. Helen completed her memorial volume about Frederick Douglass in 1901. Near the end of her life, Helen Douglass became weakened, and was unable to continue her travels and lectures. She enlisted the Rev. Francis Grimkà © in the cause. He convinced Helen Douglass to agree that if the mortgage had not been paid at her death, the money raised from the property being sold would go to college scholarships in Frederick Douglass’ name. The National Association of Colored Women was able, after Helen Douglass’ death, to purchase the property, and to keep the estate as a memorial, as Helen Douglass had envisioned. Since 1962, the Frederick Douglass Memorial Home has been under the administration of the National Park Service. In 1988, it became the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site. Sources Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. 1881.Douglass, Helen Pitts. In Memoriam: Frederick Douglass. 1901.Harper, Michael S. â€Å"The love letters of Helen Pitts.†TriQuarterly. 1997.Marriage of Frederick Douglass. The New York Times, 25 Jan. 1884.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Tanabata Festival in Japan and the Tanabata Story
The Tanabata Festival in Japan and the Tanabata Story July 7th (or August 7th in some areas) is the Tanabata, or star festival, in Japan. Tanabata is written with a two kanji characters ä ¸Æ' and Ã¥ ¤â€¢. People write their wishes on tanzaku (colorful small strips of papers) and hang them on bamboo trees along with other decorations. The most common tanabata decorations are the streamers that are usually made with variously colored origami. The bamboo branches with colorful decorations are quite pretty and look like a summer Christmas tree. There is even a popular ​childrens song for Tanabata. Decorations If you are interested in creating Tanabata decorations, the Origami Club site has a collection of decorations that you can make with easy to follow instructions. The Kid Nifty site has some tanzaku papers that can be downloaded for you to write your wishes on. Lets all hope everyones wishes come true this year! Celebrations in Sendai The Sendai Tanabata Festival is considered one of the three major festivals of the Tohoku region, which is visited by over 2 million people every year. Tanabata is generally celebrated as a national event on July 7th, but the Sendai Tanabata Matsuri is held in August, in accordance with the lunar calendar. Similar events are held throughout the nation, but the Sendai Tanabata Festival is the most famous of all. Tanabata Story The Tanabata story was inspired by a famous Chinese legend. It also includes elements of local Japanese beliefs. The Tanabata story is associated with the stars, Altair (the Cowherd Star) and Vega (the Weaver Star). Here is the Tanabata Story and a romaji translation. Also on this site, you can listen to the audio for the story. The Story in Translation Yozorani kagayaku amanogawa no soba ni, ten no kamisama ga sunde imasu.Ã¥ ¤Å"ç © ºÃ£ «Ã¨ ¼ ã Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠮ã 㠰㠫〠å ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ Å'ä ½ ん㠧ã „㠾㠙。Ten no kamisama niwa hitori no musume ga ite, namae o Orihime to iimasu.Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ «Ã£ ¯Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ º ºÃ£ ®Ã¥ ¨ËœÃ£ Å'㠄㠦〠å å‰ ã‚’ã€ ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¨Ã£ „㠄㠾㠙。Orihime wa hata o otte, kamisama tachi no kimono o tsukuru shigoto o shiteimashita.ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¯Ã£ ¯Ã£ Ÿã‚’㠊㠣㠦ã€ ç ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ Ÿã ¡Ã£ ®Ã§ €ç‰ ©Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ ¤Ã£ ã‚‹ä »â€¢Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠦ã „㠾ã â€"㠟。Sate, Orihime ga toshigoro ni natta node, ten no kamisama wa musume ni omukosan o mukaete yarou to omoimashita.㠕㠦ã€ ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ Å'Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã© Æ'㠫㠪㠣㠟㠮㠧〠å ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¨ËœÃ£ «Ã£ Šå © ¿(む㠓)ã •ã‚“ã‚’è ¿Å½Ã£ ˆã ¦Ã£â€šâ€žÃ£â€š 㠆㠨æ€ 㠄㠾ã â€"㠟。Soshite iroiro sageshite mitsuketanoga, amanogawa no kishi de ten no ushi o katteiru, Hikoboshi to iu wakamono desu.ã ã â€"㠦è‰ ²Ã£â‚¬â€¦Ã¦Å½ ¢Ã£ â€"㠦è ¦â€¹Ã£ ¤Ã£ ‘㠟㠮ã Å'〠å ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠮å ² ¸Ã£ §Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã£â€š ¦Ã£â€š ·Ã£â€šâ€™Ã© £ ¼Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£ „る〠å ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ ¨Ã£ „ã †è‹ ¥Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã£ §Ã£ ™ã€‚Kono Hikoboshi wa, totemo yoku hataraku rippana wakamono desu.㠓㠮å ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ ¯Ã£â‚¬ 㠨㠦もよã Ã¥Æ' ã ç «â€¹Ã¦ ´ ¾Ã£ ªÃ¨â€¹ ¥Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã£ §Ã£ ™ã€‚Soshite Orihime mo, totemo yasashikute utsukushii musume desu.ã ã â€"㠦ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â‚¬ 㠨㠦ã‚‚ã‚„ã •ã â€"ã 㠦ç ¾Å½Ã£ â€"ã „å ¨ËœÃ£ §Ã£ ™ã€‚Futari wa aite o hitom e mita dake de, suki ni narimashita.ä ºÅ'ä º ºÃ£ ¯Ã§â€º ¸Ã¦â€°â€¹Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â€º ®Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£ Ÿã 㠑㠧〠å ¥ ½Ã£ 㠫㠪ã‚Š㠾ã â€"㠟。Futari wa sugu ni kekkon shite, tanoshii seikatsu o okuru youni narimashita.ä ºÅ'ä º ºÃ£ ¯Ã£ ™ã 㠫ç µ Ã¥ ©Å¡Ã£ â€"㠦ã€ æ ¥ ½Ã£ â€"ã „çâ€Å¸Ã¦ ´ »Ã£â€šâ€™Ã©â‚¬ るよ㠆㠫㠪ã‚Š㠾ã â€"㠟。Demo, naka ga yosugiru nomo komarimono de, futari wa shigoto o wasurete asonde bakari iru youni natta no desu. 㠧ã‚‚ã€ ä » ²Ã£ Å'è‰ ¯Ã£ ™ã Žã‚‹ã ®Ã£â€šâ€šÃ¥â€º °Ã£â€šÅ も㠮㠧ã€ ä ºÅ'ä º ºÃ£ ¯Ã¤ »â€¢Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ¿ËœÃ£â€šÅ'㠦é Šã‚“㠧㠰ã ‹ã‚Šã „るよ㠆㠫㠪㠣㠟㠮㠧㠙。Orihime sama ga hataori o shinai node, minna no kimono ga furukute boroboro desu. Hayaku atarashii kimono o tsukuru youni itte kudasai.ã€Å'ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ Å'㠯ã Ÿã Šã‚Šã‚’ã â€"㠪ã „㠮㠧〠㠿ん㠪㠮ç €ç‰ ©Ã£ Å'Ã¥ ¤Ã£ 㠦ãÆ'Å"ãÆ' ãÆ'Å"ãÆ' 㠧㠙。㠯ã‚„ã æâ€" °Ã£ â€"ã „ç €ç‰ ©Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ ¤Ã£ るよ㠆㠫è ¨â‚¬Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£ ã 㠕㠄〠Hikoboshi ga ushi no sewa o shinai node, ushi tachi ga byouki ni natte shimaimashita.ã€Å'Ã¥ ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ Å'ã‚ ¦Ã£â€š ·Ã£ ®Ã¤ ¸â€"è © ±Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ â€"㠪ã „㠮㠧〠ã⠀š ¦Ã£â€š ·Ã£ Ÿã ¡Ã£ Å'çâ€"…æ °â€"㠫㠪㠣㠦ã â€"㠾ã „㠾ã â€"㠟〠Ten no kamisama ni minna ga monku o iini kuru youni narimashita.Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ «Ã£â‚¬ 㠿ん㠪ã Å'æâ€"‡å ¥Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã£ „㠫æ ¥Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã£â€šË†Ã£ †ã «Ã£ ªÃ£â€šÅ 㠾ã â€"㠟。Ten no kamisama wa, sukkari okotte shimai,Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ ¯Ã£â‚¬ 㠙㠣㠋り怒㠣㠦ã â€"㠾ã „〠Futari wa amanogawa no, higashi to nishi ni wakarete kurasu ga yoi!ã€Å'ä ºÅ'ä º ºÃ£ ¯Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠮ã€ æ ±Ã£ ¨Ã¨ ¥ ¿Ã£ «Ã¥Ë† ¥Ã£â€šÅ'㠦æš ®Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ ™ã Å'よ㠄〠to, Orihime to Hikoboshi o wakare wakare ni shita no desu.㠨ã€ ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¨Ã¥ ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥Ë† ¥Ã£â€šÅ'åˆ ¥Ã£â€šÅ'㠫ã â€"㠟㠮㠧㠙。†¦ Aa, Hikoboshi ni aitai †¦ Hikoboshi ni aitai.ã€Å'ãÆ' »Ã£Æ' » ãÆ' »Ã£ ‚㠂〠å ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ «Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ „ã Ÿã „。ãÆ' »Ã£Æ' »Ã£Æ' »Ã¥ ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ «Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ „㠟㠄〠Mainichi nakitsuzukeru Orihime o mite, Ten no kamisama ga iimashita.æ ¯Å½Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¦ ³ £Ã£ ç ¶Å¡Ã£ ‘ã‚‹ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã£ ¦Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã§ ¥Å¾Ã£ •ã ¾Ã£ Å'è ¨â‚¬Ã£ „㠾ã â€"㠟。Musume ya, sonnani Hikoboshi ni aitai no ka?ã€Å'Ã¥ ¨ËœÃ£â€šâ€žÃ£â‚¬ ã ん㠪ã «Ã¥ ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ «Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ „㠟㠄㠮㠋〠Hai. Aitai desu.ã€Å'㠯ã „。ä ¼Å¡Ã£ „㠟㠄㠧㠙〠Sorenara, ichinen ni ichido dake, shichi-gatsu nanoka no yoru dake wa, Hikoboshi to attemo yoi zo.ã€Å'ã ã‚Å'㠪らã€ ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£ «Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¥ º ¦Ã£ ã ‘ã€ ä ¸Æ'æÅ"ˆä ¸Æ'æâ€" ¥Ã£ ®Ã¥ ¤Å"ã 㠑㠯〠å ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ ¨Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â€šË†Ã£ „㠞〠Sorekara Orihime wa, ichinen ni ichido aeru hi dake o tanoshimini shite, mainichi isshou kennmei ni hata o oru no desu. ã ã‚Å'ã ‹ã‚‰ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¯Ã£â‚¬ ä ¸â‚¬Ã¥ ¹ ´Ã£ «Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¥ º ¦Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã£ ˆã‚‹æâ€" ¥Ã£ ã ‘ã‚’æ ¥ ½Ã£ â€"㠿㠫ã â€"㠦ã€ æ ¯Å½Ã¦â€" ¥Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦â€¡ ¸Ã¥â€˜ ½Ã£ «Ã¦ ©Å¸Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ Šã‚‹ã ®Ã£ §Ã£ ™ã€‚Amanogawa no mukou no Hikoboshi mo, sono hi o tanoshimini shite ten no ushi o kau shigoto ni sei o dashimashita.Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠮å ‘㠓㠆㠮å ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£â€šâ€šÃ£â‚¬ ã 㠮æâ€" ¥Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¦ ¥ ½Ã£ â€"㠿ã «Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã£â€š ¦Ã£â€š ·Ã£â€šâ€™Ã© £ ¼Ã£ †ä »â€¢Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£ «Ã£ ݋ „ã‚’å‡ ºÃ£ â€"㠾ã â€"㠟。Soshite machi ni matta shichi-gatsu nanoka no yoru, Orihime wa amangawa o watatte, Hikoboshi no tokoro e aini iku no desu.ã ã â€"㠦å ¾â€¦Ã£ ¡Ã£ «Ã¥ ¾â€¦Ã£ £Ã£ Ÿä ¸Æ'æÅ"ˆä ¸Æ'æâ€" ¥Ã£ ®Ã¥ ¤Å"ã€ ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¯Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · ã‚’æ ¸ ¡Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ½ ¦Ã¦ËœÅ¸Ã£ ®Ã£ ¨Ã£ “゠㠸ä ¼Å¡Ã£ „㠫è ¡Å'ã 㠮㠧㠙。Shikashi ame ga furu to amanogawa no mizukasa ga fueru tame, Orihime wa kawa o wataru koto ga dekimasen.ã â€"ã ‹ã â€"é› ¨Ã£ Å'é™ ã‚‹ã ¨Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠮æ ° ´Ã£ ‹ã •ã Å'Ã¥ ¢â€"ã ˆã‚‹ã Ÿã‚ ã€ ç ¹â€Ã¥ § «Ã£ ¯Ã¥ · ã‚’æ ¸ ¡Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£ Å'å‡ ºÃ¦ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ ›ã‚“。Demo daijoubu. Sonna toki wa doko kara tomonaku kasasagi to iu tori ga tonde kite, amanogawa ni hashi o kakete kureru no deu.㠧ã‚‚å ¤ §Ã¤ ¸Ë†Ã¥ ¤ «Ã£â‚¬ ã ん㠪時㠯㠩ã “㠋ら㠨も㠪ã ã‚ «Ã£â€š µÃ£â€š µÃ£â€š ®Ã£ ¨Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã£ †é ³ ¥Ã£ Å'é £â€ºÃ£â€šâ€œÃ£ §Ã¦ ¥Ã£ ¦Ã£â‚¬ Ã¥ ¤ ©Ã£ ®Ã¥ · 㠫æ ©â€¹Ã£â€šâ€™Ã£ ‹ã ‘㠦ã ã‚Å'る㠮㠧㠙。Saa, anata mo yozora o miagete, futari no saikai o shukufuku shite agete kudasai.㠕㠂〠㠂㠪ã Ÿã‚‚å ¤Å"à § © ºÃ£â€šâ€™Ã¨ ¦â€¹Ã¤ ¸Å 㠒㠦ã€ ä ºÅ'ä º ºÃ£ ®Ã¥â€ ä ¼Å¡Ã£â€šâ€™Ã§ ¥ ç ¦ ã â€"㠦ã ‚㠒㠦ã ã ã •ã „。
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Current Challenges Facing IT & Recommendations Essay
Current Challenges Facing IT & Recommendations - Essay Example Failure of a business organization may as well arise due to problems caused by IT failures. These organizations can be used as cases to learn more concerning Information Technology (IT). Failure always comes because of challenges affecting a particular organization. One of the companies in the US that has been facing challenges is Otisline, a company that specialized in the distribution and provision of elevators. The essay will look into details, the overview of Otisline, challenges facing it, as well as, the recommendations required to make Otisline better. Case overview Otisline Company improved the performance of different business organizations. The company, other than the supply and provision of elevators, also provided regional, district and NAO management with the required amount of quality information. When a problem arose, the management was the first to know from the customer complaints. Different managements responded differently to the clients’ callbacks. This dep ended on the number of callback, for instance, district managers handled three or more callbacks in a month. The company made corrections using these callbacks. Otisline had many impacts on NAO’s business including customer service, information service, dispatching, and controlling of mechanics. Otisline had several impacts in NAO in different sectors such as information service, which involved the use of sms database with an IBM 3083 computer (Stoddad & Harvard University 198). This was meant to make response to the clients as fast as possible. An example of a place where the Otisline was applied was in the customer service whereby it recognized buildings in four distinct ways: telephone number, building identification number, building address as well as the building name, state and city. The Otisline service center was also organized in a way that it easily promoted dispatcher efficiency. Otisline software was applied in other areas such as marketing services, and control a nd dispatching of service mechanics. The following describes the factors that brought about the problem in Oisline. The factors explain succinctly the challenges that the IT controlled company is undergoing. The factors are unsatisfactory consumer services, lack of enough human resource, obsolescence, IT complexities, poor marketing and public relations, poor data storage and retrieval methods, and poor budgeting. Challenges Facing IT Customer service: IT is affected by bad reputation when taking customer need satisfaction. As evidenced by the Otisline, there is a high chance of doing the work incorrectly according to the customer’s requirements (Stoddad & Harvard University 218). This is what leads to several callbacks. This is the same in the corporate field. The customer normally wants and expects to be told what they want. The automated recommendation tone always seems arrogant. This may always lead to infusion of negative mentalities and attitudes towards the IT. This ch allenge can be corrected or recommended by listening to customer needs and making them the number one priority; not allowing them to be controlled by the IT system or software like that of Otisline, in this case. It leads to lose of human resource. There is always a normal trend of worker lay off when a new program or software that can replace the employees and do the work efficiently is discovered. The same has affected Otis Corporation whereby six workers were laid off after the realization of the company’
Friday, November 1, 2019
Bill Tilden - American Tennis Legend Research Paper
Bill Tilden - American Tennis Legend - Research Paper Example When he returned to the championships he quickly became the best tennis player of his era. His biggest win soon after his return came in the U.S. National Finals in 1920. It was a very important match for boosting his ego as he beat Bill Johnston, the same man who beat him in the finals in 1919. At the end of 1920 Bill became the number one player in the world. He was the first American to win Wimbledon singles in 1920 and he went on to secure victories in 1921 and 1930. Tilden dominated the sport. His wins were very impressive. In the decade of the twenties he won the U.S. singles championship seven times and the U.S. doubles championship four times. He played twenty eight Davis Cup matches and won twenty one times. He reached the finals of the U.S. Open ten times. He won fifty seven games consecutively in 1925. Between 1912 and 1930 he played in 969 matches and he won ninety four percent of those matches. These matches included singles, doubles and mixed doubles. One of the techniq ues that led to his fame and success was his powerful serve. It was referred to as ‘cannonball’ serve. He holds the record for the fastest tennis serve. This he achieved in 1931. It is recorded at 163.3 mph. Bill continued to be victorious in spite of some misfortunes. He suffered from a knee problem and he also lost one of his middle fingers due to infection but this did not deter his progress. In 1930 at age thirty seven he became the oldest man to win a Wimbledon singles title. Tilden’s Tennis Strategies Tilden had a strong backhand and he used several tactics while he played. He had a preference of playing from the backcourt. He sometimes liked to copy the tactics of his opponents while beating them.... The researcher of this essay focuses on the description of life, death and legacy of well-known American sports star and tennis player - William Tatem Tilden II, which was more popularly known as Bill Tilden or often nicknamed â€Å"Big Bill†. The researcher discusses his early years of life and his rise to stardom, that took place during the ‘Golden years of Sports†. He was born on February 10, 1893 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a relatively wealthy family. During the first twenty years of his life he experienced many tragedies within his family. When he was fifteen years old his mother became disabled after contracting Bright’s disease. She died three years later. His father died three years after the death of his mother and shortly after, Bill’s only brother Herbert succumbed to pneumonia. Three siblings also died in infancy from diphtheria before he was born. Bill Tilden, although, he may not have gotten the recognition he deserves, has left a lasting impression on the sport of tennis. The researcher mentones that perhaps his greatest recognition to date came in 1959, when he was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. It is concluded by the researcher that many great American tennis players have come after him, but none has reaped the number of successes like Tilden. His love for the sport has left an indelible mark in the American sports, one that is hard to erase by the passage of time even though full recognition has not been given to him. Fortunately, in the minds of some persons his memory still lives on.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
RYANAIR CASE ANALYSIS NOTES Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RYANAIR CASE ANALYSIS NOTES - Coursework Example Threat of new entrant into the industry is extremely low. This is because large capital is required for other aircrafts to enter the market. Additionally, the period for required for other firms to market themselves, is long (Creaton, 3). Finally Europe is extensively industrialized therefore getting space to build a new airport may be impossible. Ryanair face relatively stiff competition from substitutes. There exist alternative and affordable methods of transportation like high-speed electric trains and ferries. Furthermore, a bigger population of Europe residents own personal cars. This means that they can easily switch to driving. Buyers bargaining power is medium. As with many businesses, customers are always sensitive to prices. If Ryanair increases its prices, customer will shift to other planes whose prices are lower. In other words, Ryanair has not worn its customer’s loyalty. The power of suppliers to Ryanair is extremely high. All aircrafts owned by the company are Boeing. If the manufacture of Boeing denies Ryanair its services, Ryanair will undergo extensive loss. Jet engine fuel is controlled by few companies in Europe. As a result, Ryanair controls it through hedging (Creaton, 8). Finally, regional may decide to increase their charges on planes. In order to avoid this, Ryanair has come up with policies that make them avoid such regions. Finally, there is stiff competition in the market. Other flight companies like Easyjet and Aer Lingus have also adopted the tactic of offering low cost to passengers. Since this low cost model may become a trend, Full Service airline may also imitate the model posing more competition to Ryanair. Through PESTEL framework, the political, economic, social cultural, technological, ethical and legal environment impacting Ryanair will be discussed. Political environment affecting Ryanair
Sunday, October 27, 2019
How Does The Media Influence Young Women?
How Does The Media Influence Young Women? There are many programs and magazines, such as Americas next top model and Seventeen magazine, that are watched and read by many teenage girls. These girls are insecure and want to be popular, handsome and well-liked. The young women are therefore easily influenced by the information they receive from the media. An average teenage girl hides herself using tons of make-up and beautiful clothes, because she is insecure about her outer appearance. Every morning she has to get herself prepared for the day. She decides to skip her breakfast, an extra hour of sleep, or even her first lesson. She takes a shower, puts on enough make-up and dresses herself well. These girls are influenced by the beautiful and perfect women, whose pictures are showed in advertisements and on TV. A variety of programs show us public images of how you should dress, look and act. The young girls wish that they are also perfect, with the perfect dress and with the perfect make-up; so that they are attractive to boys and that they look like the girls and women on TV. Well known make-up artists such as Rimmel London and Max Factor present their make-up with skinny girls, who have the perfect skin and the perfect look. So the question is, are they selling the product, the make-up, or are they selling the beautiful woman? The advertisements are indeed selling the product, but they are also selling the image of the ideal woman. They emphasize thinness as part of the females beauty. These women, who are on the covers of the magazines, serve as an example for the teenage girls. They also want to be thin, have big boobs, and a beautiful skin. These images affect the girls own self-image. Not only the models have a great influence on the girls, also the articles written in the popular teenage magazines have a great influence on the young women. The articles explain the girls about the ideal appearance. Articles like How to look attractive to boys and How to achieve the perfect look, hair and face are extremely normal. An article on the website of Seventeen magazine gives you the perfect example of such an article, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾New Makeup Promise to Boost Your Mood! This article is about a new make-up that promises to make you happy. It explains about the ingredients, such as Euphoryl, Murumuru Seed Butter and Theobroma Grandiflorum, whatever they are, and I am sure that girls, who read this article, think about buying this make-up, without realising if these ingredients really work! Outer appearance has become very important throughout the years for everyone, because of the media. They emphasize the importance of the physical appearance and that is the way advertisers sell beauty products such as day and night creams and make-up. Women and teenage girls therefore strive to achieve the ideal outer appearance presented by the media. They are not satisfied with their own body and are doing anything to become beautiful. Do you recognize these young women? I bet that almost two third of the teenage girls could be compared to the average teenage girl who has been influenced by the media. These girls are boring and not outstanding. Thus, the media should stop offering false information to young women about the perfect body. The media encourages the girls to have a negative self-image. In fact, a person who is fat and walks like a duck has probably a more beautiful personality than the other girls. Although these girls are not to blame, the media is. By writing an opinion column, I wanted to express my opinion about how the media influences young women, because advertisements, commercials, TV programs and magazines are all influencing the teenage girls by giving them false information. An opinion column should not be written in a particular style. As a columnist you are free to write in your own style, although it still has to be worth reading. So my first objective was to write a convincing opinion column that would be easy to read for most people. Therefore I didnt use many difficult words and tried to be convincing by giving the reader important information about the influence of the media. My second objective was to inform the people about the influence of the media on teenage girls. I explained the average, insecure teenage girl who can be easily influenced by beautiful models printed on the cover of the popular teenage magazines. As an example I described a daily morning of an average teenage girl. Every morning she has to get herself prepared for the day (paragraph 2). The girls strive for having the perfect face; therefore they skip their breakfast to prepare for school. To support my opinion about the influence of media I used another example. On the website of Seventeen magazine, an American magazine for teenagers, I found an article that was called: New Makeup Promise to Boost Your Mood! (see stimulus material). This article is about a special make-up that would make the girls happier. Young teenage girls are easily influenced by this text and by the convincing title, because the title makes a certain promise to you. The Happy Booster Glow Mood Boosting Blush and Face Powder by Physicians Formula promises to lift your spirits. Its the first-ever makeup line developed to stimulate happy thoughts through mood-enhancing ingredients, color therapy, aroma therapy, and texture therapy. Basically, it copies the effect of endorphins, aka happy molecules, which produce a sense of well-being. (Your body releases endorphins during exercise, which is what makes you feel great afterward.) Other ingredients include Euphoryl, which is an anti-depressant packed with Omega-3, as well as Murumuru Seed Butter and Theobroma Grandiflorum Seed Butter, which make skin feel silky-smooth and appear luminous. Finally, its blend of floral scents refreshes your mood. And how cute is this packaging?! All this happiness is contained in a heart-shaped plastic compact with a pink metallic base. It comes in a face powder (see above), blush, and bronzer, and each is a variety of overlapping different-colored hearts. So, the big question: can you buy happiness? For $11.95-13.95 at select drugstores, you just might come close!
Friday, October 25, 2019
Dietary Guidelines For North Americans And Suggestions For Food Choice :: essays research papers fc
Dietary Guidelines for North Americans and Suggestions for Food Choices In today's society nearly everyone follows some kind of dietary guidelines. Whether it is in the goal of losing weight, gaining weight or just simply to maintain it, people are jumping onto the dietary band-wagon. A diet is basically to take food according to rule, a mode of living in reference to nourishment. There are various types of diets that one can follow; a high or low calorie diet, low fat diets, diets modified in protein, minerals, water, and carbohydrates, and so the list goes on. Many business enterprises base their entire corporations into the field of weight loss. Many of these diet programs are merely fads that lure desperate people in with their guarantees to lose so many pounds or inches in an " x " amount of time. There are also many pills that one can take, but they are not always safe and can be very damaging in the long run. It is not all people that are on weight loss programs though. Many athletes are on strict programs to gain weight. However this kind of desired weight is not measured in fat but in muscle mass. Many muscle and fitness magazines will feature advertisements and articles for such gains in body mass. Advertisements for diets can sometimes be very dangerous though. Pretty well all the people used in these particular ads are slim and beautiful and it can therefor be very misinterpreting to someone who is overweight. The pressure of being fit can lead to very damaging disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. These two very serious conditions affect a very large amount of women and men in North America these days and can be quite lethal if not cured. So it is important to be careful not to do any physical or psychological harm to one self when trying to lose weight. When embarking into any kind of diet it is extremely important that one gets the sufficient amount of nutrients from their food and/or supplements. A proper diet must consist of more than simply a glass of water and a piece of fruit per meal. One must have a certain daily intake of specific vitamins and minerals to stay in good health. If one were to follow the RDA's (recommended daily allowance) guidelines, one has to be sure that the food that is consumed contains the proper amount of nutrients that is so suggested. A lot of the foods that we consume today do not contain the amount of vitamins and minerals that the U.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Two
Catelyn Catelyn had never liked this godswood. She had been born a Tully, at Riverrun far to the south, on the Red Fork of the Trident. The godswood there was a garden, bright and airy, where tall redwoods spread dappled shadows across tinkling streams, birds sang from hidden nests, and the air was spicy with the scent of flowers. The gods of Winterfell kept a different sort of wood. It was a dark, primal place, three acres of old forest untouched for ten thousand years as the gloomy castle rose around it. It smelled of moist earth and decay. No redwoods grew here. This was a wood of stubborn sentinel trees armored in grey-green needles, of mighty oaks, of ironwoods as old as the realm itself. Here thick black trunks crowded close together while twisted branches wove a dense canopy overhead and misshappen roots wrestled beneath the soil. This was a place of deep silence and brooding shadows, and the gods who lived here had no names. But she knew she would find her husband here tonight. Whenever he took a man's life, afterward he would seek the quiet of the godswood. Catelyn had been anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept of Riverrun. She was of the Faith, like her father and grandfather and his father before him. Her gods had names, and their faces were as familiar as the faces of her parents. Worship was a septon with a censer, the smell of incense, a seven-sided crystal alive with light, voices raised in song. The Tullys kept a godswood, as all the great houses did, but it was only a place to walk or read or lie in the sun. Worship was for the sept. For her sake, Ned had built a small sept where she might sing to the seven faces of god, but the blood of the First Men still flowed in the veins of the Starks, and his own gods were the old ones, the nameless, faceless gods of the greenwood they shared with the vanished children of the forest. At the center of the grove an ancient weirwood brooded over a small pool where the waters were black and cold. â€Å"The heart tree,†Ned called it. The weirwood's bark was white as bone, its leaves dark red, like a thousand bloodstained hands. A face had been carved in the trunk of the great tree, its features long and melancholy, the deep-cut eyes red with dried sap and strangely watchful. They were old, those eyes; older than Winterfell itself. They had seen Brandon the Builder set the first stone, if the tales were true; they had watched the castle's granite walls rise around them. It was said that the children of the forest had carved the faces in the trees during the dawn centuries before the coming of the First Men across the narrow sea. In the south the last weirwoods had been cut down or burned out a thousand years ago, except on the Isle of Faces where the green men kept their silent watch. Up here it was different. Here every castle had its godswood, and every godswood had its heart tree, and every heart tree its face. Catelyn found her husband beneath the weirwood, seated on a moss-covered stone. The greatsword Ice was across his lap, and he was cleaning the blade in those waters black as night. A thousand years of humus lay thick upon the godswood floor, swallowing the sound of her feet, but the red eyes of the weirwood seemed to follow her as she came. â€Å"Ned,†she called softly. He lifted his head to look at her. â€Å"Catelyn,†he said. His voice was distant and formal. â€Å"Where are the children?†He would always ask her that. â€Å"In the kitchen, arguing about names for the wolf pups.†She spread her cloak on the forest floor and sat beside the pool, her back to the weirwood. She could feel the eyes watching her, but she did her best to ignore them. â€Å"Arya is already in love, and Sansa is charmed and gracious, but Rickon is not quite sure.†â€Å"Is he afraid?†Ned asked. â€Å"A little,†she admitted. â€Å"He is only three.†Ned frowned. â€Å"He must learn to face his fears. He will not be three forever. And winter is coming.†â€Å"Yes,†Catelyn agreed. The words gave her a chill, as they always did. The Stark words. Every noble house had its words. Family mottoes, touchstones, prayers of sorts, they boasted of honor and glory, promised loyalty and truth, swore faith and courage. All but the Starks. Winter is coming, said the Stark words. Not for the first time, she reflected on what a strange people these northerners were. â€Å"The man died well, I'll give him that,†Ned said. He had a swatch of oiled leather in one hand. He ran it lightly up the greatsword as he spoke, polishing the metal to a dark glow. â€Å"I was glad for Bran's sake. You would have been proud of Bran.†â€Å"I am always proud of Bran,†Catelyn replied, watching the sword as he stroked it. She could see the rippling deep within the steel, where the metal had been folded back on itself a hundred times in the forging. Catelyn had no love for swords, but she could not deny that Ice had its own beauty. It had been forged in Valyria, before the Doom had come to the old Freehold, when the ironsmiths had worked their metal with spells as well as hammers. Four hundred years old it was, and as sharp as the day it was forged. The name it bore was older still, a legacy from the age of heroes, when the Starks were Kings in the North. â€Å"He was the fourth this year,†Ned said grimly. â€Å"The poor man was half-mad. Something had put a fear in him so deep that my words could not reach him.†He sighed. â€Å"Ben writes that the strength of the Night's Watch is down below a thousand. It's not only desertions. They are losing men on rangings as well.†â€Å"Is it the wildlings?†she asked. â€Å"Who else?†Ned lifted Ice, looked down the cool steel length of it. â€Å"And it will only grow worse. The day may come when I will have no choice but to call the banners and ride north to deal with this King-beyond-the-Wall for good and all.†â€Å"Beyond the Wall?†The thought made Catelyn shudder. Ned saw the dread on her face. â€Å"Mance Rayder is nothing for us to fear.†â€Å"There are darker things beyond the Wall.†She glanced behind her at the heart tree, the pale bark and red eyes, watching, listening, thinking its long slow thoughts. His smile was gentle. â€Å"You listen to too many of Old Nan's stories. The Others are as dead as the children of the forest, gone eight thousand years. Maester Luwin will tell you they never lived at all. No living man has ever seen one.†â€Å"Until this morning, no living man had ever seen a direwolf either,†Catelyn reminded him. â€Å"I ought to know better than to argue with a Tully,†he said with a rueful smile. He slid Ice back into its sheath. â€Å"You did not come here to tell me crib tales. I know how little you like this place. What is it, my lady?†Catelyn took her husband's hand. â€Å"There was grievous news today, my lord. I did not wish to trouble you until you had cleansed yourself.†There was no way to soften the blow, so she told him straight. â€Å"I am so sorry, my love. Jon Arryn is dead.†His eyes found hers, and she could see how hard it took him, as she had known it would. In his youth, Ned had fostered at the Eyrie, and the childless Lord Arryn had become a second father to him and his fellow ward, Robert Baratheon. When the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen had demanded their heads, the Lord of the Eyrie had raised his moon-and-falcon banners in revolt rather than give up those he had pledged to protect. And one day fifteen years ago, this second father had become a brother as well, as he and Ned stood together in the sept at Riverrun to wed two sisters, the daughters of Lord Hoster Tully. â€Å"Jon . . . †he said. â€Å"Is this news certain?†â€Å"It was the king's seal, and the letter is in Robert's own hand. I saved it for you. He said Lord Arryn was taken quickly. Even Maester Pycelle was helpless, but he brought the milk of the poppy, so Jon did not linger long in pain.†â€Å"That is some small mercy, I suppose,†he said. She could see the grief on his face, but even then he thought first of her. â€Å"Your sister,†he said. â€Å"And Jon's boy. What word of them?†â€Å"The message said only that they were well, and had returned to the Eyrie,†Catelyn said. â€Å"I wish they had gone to Riverrun instead. The Eyrie is high and lonely, and it was ever her husband's place, not hers. Lord Jon's memory will haunt each stone. I know my sister. She needs the comfort of family and friends around her.†â€Å"Your uncle waits in the Vale, does he not? Jon named him Knight of the Gate, I'd heard.†Catelyn nodded. â€Å"Brynden will do what he can for her, and for the boy. That is some comfort, but still . . . â€Å" â€Å"Go to her,†Ned urged. â€Å"Take the children. Fill her halls with noise and shouts and laughter. That boy of hers needs other children about him, and Lysa should not be alone in her grief.†â€Å"Would that I could,†Catelyn said. â€Å"The letter had other tidings. The king is riding to Winterfell to seek you out.†It took Ned a moment to comprehend her words, but when the understanding came, the darkness left his eyes. â€Å"Robert is coming here?†When she nodded, a smile broke across his face. Catelyn wished she could share his joy. But she had heard the talk in the yards; a direwolf dead in the snow, a broken antler in its throat. Dread coiled within her like a snake, but she forced herself to smile at this man she loved, this man who put no faith in signs. â€Å"I knew that would please you,†she said. â€Å"We should send word to your brother on the Wall.†â€Å"Yes, of course,†he agreed. â€Å"Ben will want to be here. I shall tell Maester Luwin to send his swiftest bird.†Ned rose and pulled her to her feet. â€Å"Damnation, how many years has it been? And he gives us no more notice than this? How many in his party, did the message say?†â€Å"I should think a hundred knights, at the least, with all their retainers, and half again as many freeriders. Cersei and the children travel with them.†â€Å"Robert will keep an easy pace for their sakes,†he said. â€Å"It is just as well. That will give us more time to prepare.†â€Å"The queen's brothers are also in the party,†she told him. Ned grimaced at that. There was small love between him and the queen's family, Catelyn knew. The Lannisters of Casterly Rock had come late to Robert's cause, when victory was all but certain, and he had never forgiven them. â€Å"Well, if the price for Robert's company is an infestation of Lannisters, so be it. It sounds as though Robert is bringing half his court.†â€Å"Where the king goes, the realm follows,†she said. â€Å"It will be good to see the children. The youngest was still sucking at the Lannister woman's teat the last time I saw him. He must be, what, five by now?†â€Å"Prince Tommen is seven,†she told him. â€Å"The same age as Bran. Please, Ned, guard your tongue. The Lannister woman is our queen, and her pride is said to grow with every passing year.†Ned squeezed her hand. â€Å"There must be a feast, of course, with singers, and Robert will want to hunt. I shall send Jory south with an honor guard to meet them on the kingsroad and escort them back. Gods, how are we going to feed them all? On his way already, you said? Damn the man. Damn his royal hide.â€
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