Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The s Revolutionized The County That We Know Today
The 1800’s revolutionized the county that we know today. With states splitting opinions on slaves and being free, the north and south had drastically divided styles of workforces. The demand for more manufactured goods skyrocketed resulting in an explosion of factories and mills. Products of the north and south required supplies and shipping routes, transportation infrastructure was carved through the countryside to meet these demands. The country had entered a new mindset, and a new era. Southern states consisted of mostly plantations, growing crops and materials needed for daily life. Tobacco, cotton, rice and sugar were the major cash crops that plantations produced. In 1815, cotton was the number one, highest grossing crop produced by the south. The crops were grown, harvested and in some cases processed all in the same location. If a plantation needed to ship a product, for many years wagon was the method of choice. Ships were used to export products. The south had relied on a world market to export products and turn a profit. On the plantations, slave labor was the primary source of workers. These slaves were brought to the colonies by ship, once they arrived they were sold at auctions. The slave auctions had just men, just women, just children or whole families up for bid. Southern plantations were predominantly black, male slaves. At one point it was believed to be seven male slaves to every one female. The slaves were purchased and then became the property of theShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1292 Words  | 6 Pagesthe country s history, the American Civil War. During his presidency, he fought for the emancipation of slaves because he believed the institution of slavery was morally unjust. His ideals, which appealed to the founding principles of the country, energized and mobilized the union and kept it alive during the long months of the war. 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