Thursday, December 26, 2019
Type I Diabetes Mellitus ( Dmii ) Essay - 1824 Words
Type I diabetes mellitus (DMII) was previous referred to as juvenile diabetes, as it was known to affect mainly children and young adults. Typically individuals diagnosed with this chronic illness find out at an earlier age and treatment as well as plan of care begin and adjust, as they get older. According to the Americans Diabetes Association, only 5% of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus have this form, compared with type II that is usually associated with obesity and older age. With type I diabetes your body or specifically, your pancreas produces very little or no insulin whatsoever, in contrast to type II diabetes when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or may become resistant, which in turn will effect the breakdown of carbohydrates (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Our body uses organic compounds such as protein, lipids and carbohydrates to produce energy; carbs also referred to as sugar or glucose is our main source of energy amongst the three components. â€Å"I nsulin is a hormone that the body needs to get glucose from the bloodstream into the cells of the body†, (American Diabetes Association, 2016). So without insulin, sugar cannot enter our cells for energy and the high levels remain in the blood, known as hyperglycemia. There is no known cause of this chronic illness, but research does believe genetics has some role in the disease process. The immune system of individuals with DMI mistakenly destroys insulin-producing cells, after a certain period of timeShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ( Gdm ) Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Follow-Up of Gestational Mellitus in an Urban Safety Net Hospital†Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a form of high blood sugar that affects pregnant women. It is called GDM in women who have never had high blood glucose readings until pregnancy. This type of diabetes usually develops around the 24th or 25th week of gestation. GDM occurs when the body is not able to make enough insulin or use the insulin that is made for its increased needs during pregnancy. GDM not only causes complicationsRead MoreA Brief Note On Medical And Social History984 Words  | 4 Pagesdecade living with a roommate in a 2nd floor apartment here in San Francisco. She was admitted to SF General Hospital on 02/06/16 with a LLE tibial plateau fracture after falling down a couple of stairs in her home. Her medical history includes Type II Diabetes Metillus, hypertension, coronary artery disease, NSTEMI, anxiety, depression, bilateral LE’s fractures and an ORIF surgery that occurred on 02/06/16. EL has no known allergies and no stated history of drug or alcohol u se. Patient stated that
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The s Revolutionized The County That We Know Today
The 1800’s revolutionized the county that we know today. With states splitting opinions on slaves and being free, the north and south had drastically divided styles of workforces. The demand for more manufactured goods skyrocketed resulting in an explosion of factories and mills. Products of the north and south required supplies and shipping routes, transportation infrastructure was carved through the countryside to meet these demands. The country had entered a new mindset, and a new era. Southern states consisted of mostly plantations, growing crops and materials needed for daily life. Tobacco, cotton, rice and sugar were the major cash crops that plantations produced. In 1815, cotton was the number one, highest grossing crop produced by the south. The crops were grown, harvested and in some cases processed all in the same location. If a plantation needed to ship a product, for many years wagon was the method of choice. Ships were used to export products. The south had relied on a world market to export products and turn a profit. On the plantations, slave labor was the primary source of workers. These slaves were brought to the colonies by ship, once they arrived they were sold at auctions. The slave auctions had just men, just women, just children or whole families up for bid. Southern plantations were predominantly black, male slaves. At one point it was believed to be seven male slaves to every one female. The slaves were purchased and then became the property of theShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln1292 Words  | 6 Pagesthe country s history, the American Civil War. During his presidency, he fought for the emancipation of slaves because he believed the institution of slavery was morally unjust. His ideals, which appealed to the founding principles of the country, energized and mobilized the union and kept it alive during the long months of the war. 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Wrestlers with bizarre costumes,Read MoreEssay on Vaccination and Eradication of Smallpox1604 Words  | 7 PagesEradication of Smallpox Smallpox, a disease caused by the variola virus, has devastated humanity for many centuries. Because of its high mortality rate, civilizations around the world sought to protect themselves from this disease. Throughout the 1700s, these protective methods became more sophisticated, and led up to Edward Jenner’s vaccination method in 1796. Indeed, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and the Agency for International Development began a joint program toRead MoreTribute Speech to Steve Jobs2556 Words  | 11 Pagesis world’s most valuable company, which is valued at $350 Billion Dollars. Without Steve Jobs great mind and hands in the technologic revolution we would have never had the opportunity to see technology the way we do today and how much of an impact he has made for our future to come. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Marketing Strategy - Text and Cases
Questions: 1. Discuss the key facts and critical issues of Zappos. 2. Discuss the key facts and critical issues Home Depot. Answers: 1. Introduction: Zappos is an American manufacturing company specifically from the Bradford Pennsylvania, of United States. Several types of designs are supported by the company and are circulated the world. This is a private company with the brand recognition of Lighter manufacturer (Dzyabura et al., 2015). Discussion: Case summary: The case study on the company named as Zappos includes the future outline sales. The study also includes the facing of competitive challenges by the respective company. In the field of online marketing, the company has a high belief that it would overcome the online service process and attracting the customers on a random basis. This company has drawn the best service provider in the products like shoes, hand bags, watches and other accessories. They also have the belief in the process which would assist them in providing speed in the service to the customer on a continuous basis. The company shows a high probability in focusing the delivery of the products to the customers. This basic factor of the company has put the online marketing sector of the company to a potential position. The main criteria of the company Zappos are to providing comfortable service and easy shopping. They also produce their marketing value to the certain level where they provide an objective for the help and assistance to the customers. Therefore due to this reason this company has moved to an extreme level in the zone of online marketing and online sales management. They also bring out their business at a strategic level where they include free return successfully, such as when the customer has received wrong shoes can be easily returned and revised free of cost. An email system has been developed so that the customers can emphasize their feedbacks and complaints and the booking direct to the customer executives of the company (Raska et al., 2015). Case analysis: The challenges that came in the way of marketing the online company Zappos, where drawing the attention of the customers, establishing a flexible online service to the customers, and also establishing a strategy which would help the company to produce a quality product to the customers (Raska et al., 2015). . The main factors for the human resource management include the management of the entire circulation of the processes and products of the company. The managements also introduce strategies which manipulate the entire circulatory process of the company products and the marketing. By increasing different skills of the company the human resource management has helped Zappos to overcome the challenges and put itself in a potential position in online marketing (Nadeem, 2015). The employees of the company are well trained; this is because the company believes in a well training of the employees. Therefore, the employees have produced high engagement quality to the marketing and production process of the company (Nadeem, 2015). Executive decision: There are several values of the training of the employees which would improvise the development. But the main ten core factors such as, qualitative training to the employees especially in the field of the internet as business processes. The WOW service also influences the core development of the company. The encouragement also plays a role in the field if managing a business out force. Whereas the least engagement includes the wrong shaped management and the cultures, brand and the business strategies. The ten core values are: delivery of WOW value, drive change, create fun, growth, and learning, do more with less, honest relationship, positive team, etc. (Ferrell et al., 2012). 2. Introduction: One of the largest home products of selling the home repair products is the Home Depot. It was founded in 20 years ago, and the total number of employees currently working for this company is 100,000 respectively (Ferrell et al., 2012). Discussion: Case Summary: The case study develops the journey of the company throughout the business process. This United States based company has tired its level best to provide strategies which can provide good service to the customers. The goals of this company include executive positioning in the interval of every 30 minutes to the customers. Among the employee list, about 70 percent are women; this is because several years ago a lawsuit was filed on behalf of 17000 employees because of the gender differences. In addition to the outcome of the act the company promised to each and every applicant would get a "fair shot" (Hannak et al., 2014). Case analysis: Yes, the Home Depot has undergone an accountable discrimination for the females. This was due to the standard of taking the people to the employment by gender discrimination. After the desperate treatment produced by the employees to the company has brought the company into an agreement where the company promised to hire the employees according to their abilities. At present, the female employees are hired for the post of cashiers and indoor tasks, whereas the males are applied for the repairing and the outdoor tasks respectively (Monestier, 2014). Executive decision: This Company has been able to correlate the technology by solving the issues in the job-related works. This allows the employees to check the job opportunities in their respectable workplaces and the required skills, required for each position (Hannak et al., 2014). References: Dzyabura, D., Jagabathula, S., Muller, E. (2015). Using online preference measurement to infer offline purchase behavior. Available at SSRN 2603264. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M. (2012). Marketing strategy, text and cases. Nelson Education. Hannak, A., Soeller, G., Lazer, D., Mislove, A., Wilson, C. (2014, November). Measuring price discrimination and steering on e-commerce web sites. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on internet measurement conference (pp. 305-318). ACM. Monestier, T. J. (2014). Where is Home Depot'At Home'? Daimler v. Bauman and the End of Doing Business Jurisdiction. Hastings Law Journal, 66. Nadeem, D. (2015). Customer Loyalty At Any Cost: Why Is Social Media Poorly Integrated With Marketing Strategy?. Customer Loyalty at Any Cost: Why is Social Media Poorly Integrated with Marketing Strategy. Raska, D., Sprott, D. E., Joireman, J., Spangenberg, E. R. (2015). Consumer Attitudes and Intentions Regarding Environmental Behaviors: Effects of Firm-Stated Motives. In Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, Sustainability (pp. 216-216). Springer International Publishing.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay free essay sample
Using very good examples she shows the readers to not figure out ways to hide from the gunmen or to fight back against the gunmen but to just get rid of the amount of guns given to people not qualified to have them. Sara has a lot Of credibility with this topic. She can relate in many ways. Sara is a sixth grade teacher in New Jersey. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysis Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She has written about public education for The New York Times, The New Yorker and Slate, and many more. Sara is a member of the first Teach for Americas corps in 1990. Ms. Moslem is also the author of her new book about a school explosion in 1937 in New London,Tex. , which killed hundreds of children. With that she has a lot of credibility on this topic. She also has a daughter who is 9 years old daughter who attends a public school in New Jersey. She also wants to have her daughter protected from the gunmen. In the body of the article she uses a lot of relatable examples that all of her readers have gone through. When she was explaining the routines with the lock down drills and how all of her students react without knowing if it was a drill or if it was really happening. The kids get frightened and panic sometimes.This sets a scary picture into all the readers minds to make them think about what would help a situation if a gunman came into the school. Moslem uses a great example that really makes the reader think about the negativity of having guns in schools for protection. In the article she really made Lie Geometers idea about having guns in teachers possession sounds silly with the example of seeing guns hanging on the wall just like fire extinguishers. She puts a lot of attention onto if all teachers had guns where would they keep them? She says, would we keep them in a locked up area in he school.How would someone be able to get at that in the heat of a moment when a gunman randomly comes into the school? Would she have to where it around her body? Everyone knows that most children ar e scared of guns. Sara explains that if she was carrying around a gun all day during school wouldnt the children be scared of her? Another great point at Sara brings up in her article is the fact that not very many teachers know how to even operate a gun. A degree about teaching children to read and write should not involve teachers having to be able to shoot a gun. It wouldnt be such help to have them lying around with nobody to use them.Sara is not only is enforcing her argument about not having guns in school but she is also fighting the gun laws. She fights against the fact that everyone tries to think of all these ways to fight against the gunman when we should all be fighting against the main source: the guns. She explains that she is sick and tired of having to teach her children to hide in corners from the gunman. When children shouldnt be learning how to hide from gunmen they should be learning their Abacas and 1235. Overall Sara does a great job of fighting her point in this article.
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